
If I ever decide to star in a porn, it will definitely because God willed it.

Yeah it’s insane.

But FREEDOM! And really more importantly how would all the for-profit prisons stay in business if it weren’t for all the murder?

I met a super hot dude who was funny, intelligent and super easy to talk to, and he seemed interested in me, too. Then we talked about politics and he said he didn’t know anything about what was going on. Not a clue. Clueless. I was like well this is my cue to leave.

I’m so glad I bought gin today. Because the only answer to “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK” is to drink gin.

Understandable. I had a customer who implied the high level of coverage around Prince’s death is due to something “big” happening. I said “you mean like a musical icon dying?” and he said “that’s just another person dying too young, I mean something BIG.” Ugh.

I try to avoid discussing them with her, because I really respect her as a manager, but I have a hard time separating crazy conspiracy lady with the really smart, reliable manager side.

Please get it and wear and and let me know how you keep it in place.

As long as I don’t move, or breath, it will probably stay in place.

There’s a manager in my department that believes ALL of the conspiracies. ALL OF THEM. It’s fascinating, maddening, and I love/hate it.

That poor child.

The only person who gave a shit about my grades in college and passing classes was me. If he’s fine with failing, let his ass fail. I have no sympathy for someone who can’t be bothered to pass a basic gender studies class, which should require roughly the amount of energy it takes for my dog to stretch in the morning.

If someone *chooses* to go the route of perinatal hospice, I think it’s great that it’s an option. But it shouldn’t be the only option, especially, as you said, when there it’s potentially easier physically AND emotionally on the mother.

It’s your day! You should be comfortable and capable of eating all the delicious food and drink. Will there be sequins or sparkles? Maybe a Bride/Groom across the rear?

This story is heartbreaking, and confusing. Initially it was reported that her five year old brother shot her in the face. Then a day later, her father came forward and it was said he shot her in the stomach, and her brother was innocent. Now it’s the back of the head?

I’m not impressed with Clinton OR Sanders, but I’ll vote for either one over any of the GOP contenders.

What surprised and depressed me was the number of democrats that are switching over to vote for Trump because they WANT him to be President.

This is how I imagine the thought process of reasonably informed, non crazy voters on both sides:

The first amendment is not what you think it is.

See, I go bright red and then start face sweating roughly 10 minutes post workout. So I get the best of both worlds.