
The only thing I actually believed was the line about him having an actual obsession with Megyn Kelly.

A couple of the scenes in the book that depicted consensual sex morphed into rape scenes for the TV show. Changing that dynamic between the characters really impacts their relationship moving forward, and I think it was a disservice to the storyline and the characters. To add on to that, the director Alex Graves said

It’s still early.

Norway has an interesting program that’s designed to teach recent immigrants the proper laws and cultural norms of the country they’ve found themselves in. I think it is important to be aware of cultural differences of migrants and refugees, but this article is pretty specifically about German laws not protecting

The TJ’s where I grew up (Ohio) was a huge hit with the older folks, but hey, keep on keepin’ on about the millennials. Not to mention that they were started back in the 60's (the 50's, actually, but under a different name) but yeah, totally a millennials thing.

Guarantee I would manage to stab myself in the eyeball if I attempted to wear this... thing.

Elvis isn’t dead after all.

I’m a standing shower person, but now I’m intrigued. What makes these clawfoot bathtubs better?

A house in my neighborhood collapsed this week due to improper digging on the neighboring property. Maybe we could get these books to serve as a foundation? They seem sturdy.

I would feel safer if men didn’t exert so much effort in cat calling, sexually harassing, stalking, murdering and generally intimidating women. Therefore it is a man’s job to make women feel safe by not doing those things.

I need like a softer cushion to suction to the floor/place I lean against so my back doesn’t protest after approximately 3 minutes.

I love a good fireplace. Not a big bath person, probably because I’ve always had tiny ass bath tubs, and they’re hard which is uncomfortable.

I am very anti burning books, but I won’t stand in the way here.

I find this entirely, ENTIRELY too funny.

So according to him, he’s not sexually assaulting his patients, he’s just incapable of following the very basic rules of hand washing and not exposing patients to bodily fluids. OH THAT’S BETTER. Definitely keep him in the ER, totally deserves to be there.

It’s so cute how suddenly dudes are all worried about what “hurts” a woman.


Actually I’m fairly certain Benjamin Franklin originally said this.

Trump’s obsession is due to the simple fact that she’s a woman questioning his character, and at the time it all started, Fox was kinda sorta backing him, and he got some solid media minutes out of it, and I’m sure many of his followers supported it, so why the hell not continue to go after her?

I'm sorry :-(