
I was going to disagree but you used science, so I can’t. Facts are facts and science is science.

I heard a similar argument this scientist is attempting to make but instead used the shoulder to hip width difference to imply it was a *balance* issue. I.e. it’s hard for an triangle to balance on it’s tip.

Funnily enough he WAS impossible to train.

I was training new hires for a heavily male dominated field and during my normal “if a customer ever makes you uncomfortable you *absolutely* have the right to leave” speech and after giving a few examples the lone dick pipes up to ask why in the heavens we would be offended to the point of leaving over a mere

Besides, I’m sure the women model thing came as no surprise to the non model women in attendance. Women in heavily male dominated fields have gotten so used to this shit, something like this would barely register an eye-roll.

This is the part that really made me giggle.

Her gown probably has more fabric than all of the cheerleaders’ uniforms put together. But apparently the national anthem is SO SACRED no skin is allowed to be exposed during the performance.

You're my favorite.

Absolutely. After doing a little independent research it seems as though some of Avery’s previously awful behavior was somewhat glossed over.

Yup just saw someone referring to the Oregon building takeover as a peaceful protest against government overreach and had to quit Facebook for the day.

Riding the train/bus in Philly is always an adventure.

I thought it might be really funny to walk around with music coming from my vaginal area and freak people out. Then I realized I live in Philadelphia and that's just a regular Monday.

I went hard for business classes in college, and advocate for access to STEM to anyone who will listen. But I’m even more crushed by the removal of art and music classes, especially for youngsters.

If a future significant other was suddenly like “you need $800,000+ in life insurance policies I’mma take care of that for you” he better have a damn good reason which does not include “in case I decide to murder you.”

Live no a farm is not necessarily the same as work on a farm. My guess is she’ll lounge around on the wrap-around porch and host parties. But maybe she’ll surprise us all and decide she likes picking stalls and bailing hay.

My mother gave me a scarf my grandmother got on a cruise. It’s purple, and heavily embroidered. It is exactly what you would expect a grandmother with a penchant for costume jewelry to pick up while on a cruise.

I had a teacher (adjunct professor I think?) at one point that drank Tab, wore really tight shirts and was very, very tan. I remember almost nothing about him, except that he drank Tab, and I always felt like I was transported back to the 80’s while in his presence.

I found a yellow jacket in my cleavage once while driving. SUPER FUN. Thankfully it was pretty chilly out so the guy was not moving much. He couldn’t have been down there long.

I mean we kinda need the bees, but maybe not in December.

I agree, to an extent. But when she uses him for political gain, I think she should. Just as she should consider every staffer’s previous behavior and how it could negatively impact her image and campaign.