It would probably be worth it.
It would probably be worth it.
Basic is the person that is boring and predictable, but thinks they’re cool and fashionable. They like all the cool things and think it makes them cool and they do it because they want to be cool but ugh.
I’m not a huge Hillary fan, but I will take a million Hillary’s over one Trump or Cruz. They’re all pandering, but Cruz and Trump pander to a demographic that Feeds on hatred and all the -isms money can generate.
Yup several of the cherry blossom trees in my neighborhood are flowering. And my brother in law got stung by a bee recently.
Honestly I gained a lot more respect for her when she stood up for herself. No one should be contractually obligated to work with their rapist, regardless of how many times it’s been forced on others in the past.
Dipped in ketchup. Or jam.
I’ve largely avoided the debates so far, but I think I might watch this.
On the palm of my hand so I can shove it in the face of everyone who cries about their free speech being violated when in reality we just got sick of listening to their shit.
I need to record myself saying this: “The right to free speech protects you from government imposed censorship. It does not protect you from criticism.”
I had a guy go from “you’ve got such a sweet smile” to “you’re fat AF and your pussy smells, go wash” (p.s. this is on the internet) to “I want to eat you out” in less than an hour.
If only it was as simple as “taking all his money away,” which is what he truly deserves. I doubt this Martin guy just stockpiled his cash in an easy to access Wells Fargo savings account. It’s probably spread all over the world in various off shore bank accounts, assets, etc. At least what hasn’t already been spent…
I had a medical doctor tell me as long as I was only going for <5 minutes (I am VERY fair skinned), no more than 1-2/week it was a reasonable tradeoff if getting rid of my acne was that important. But I was also cautioned to be careful, go in the low intensity beds, etc.
Yup. I think violent crimes, *especially* sexual crimes should earn much, much tougher sentences for those convicted. There are far too many cases of someone getting a light sentence, or no jail time at all going right out and committing equally violent crimes.
I don’t normally approve of juveniles being tried as adults, nor do I condone vigilante violence. But after reading this I find it really, really difficult to hold to those beliefs.
I understand why a non profit would turn money down due to ethics/principle. But I also think that this Martin guy deserves to have all of his money taken away, and if charities benefit, that’s a good thing. Otherwise he’s just going to keep it, or invest/give it to other insanely rich people.
I think 2nd grade you get a pass. That’s still the age when kids generally believe almost everything adults say.
Microbeads sounds SO much more marketable than sand.
Toxins are very dangerous. They do things to stuff and it’s bad.
I don’t think I believed this one, at least not for very long. I just pictured poor mountain goats only being able to to move in one direction.
I felt like such an idiot! But honestly I just never thought very hard about it.