
My bad; you’re right. Grifters gonnna keep on griftin’.

Mueller isn’t even close to being done and yet it’s already clear that Trump and family sold the American people out to the highest bidder for their own personal financial gain. Trump has shown that he is a mean, narcissistic, imbecilic, crook. Anyone who still sides with him is a sucker or a sycophant.

I hate Dick Cheney

I still haven’t bounced back fully from having lost my job due to the great recession. I ended up going back to school for a different career entirely and am struggling to get that career going. Any who, I just got paid today, and yeah, after paying all my bills (and some back bills and IOU’s) I now have $300 to last

Mrs. Huckabee Sanders is, on every level, gross. 

Words that are not true

When is this orange man going to prison already?

Or she could live another 15 to 20 years. She’s got the best healthcare in the world and is very skinny - which is generally an indicator of long life expectancy. My grandmother lived to 102, with all of her mental and physical facilities still in tact till she was around 100. So don’t bury RBG just yet. 

Things keep getting exponentially worse by the day. I’m starting to get really scared - and scarred.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a steaming pile of shit person. Her snide remarks and deflections make me want to vomit. She claims that we are a “rule of law nation,” but conveniently this only applies to powerless, poor refugees and immigrants and NEVER to the fucking POS grifter, dumbass, dictator- wannabe president and

Is it because he fucked an underaged dude on it and left evidence he didn’t want others to find? This is a really bizarre request. There has to be a nefarious reason - especially becaue it’s Pruitt

But...she IS a feckless cunt.

I think one of the main problems regarding police brutality is that some people cannot handle even the slightest bit of power. Unfortunately those exact same people are the ones who actively seek out positions of power. I think the police force needs to screen these people out before hiring them. Also, maybe pay them

Could DTJ be more of a privledged, lying, douche?

Why would the administration want all of those “bad hombre” women to give birth to all of those dirty rape babies? Just so they can have more people of color to hate on?


Why “Cocaine Mitch” though??? LOL???!!!

I couldn’t agree with you more. She’s just really, really, terrible at being a spokesperson, telling the truth, and being a person.

As a person with a great deal of real world experience and higher education in speech making, let me just say that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the worst. Her every sentence is filled with growly uhs, args and erms, she constantly looks down at whatever she is reading, and she seems mean, unpleasant, and not happy to be

Scott DeJarlais of TN is such a POS. He’s anti abortion and pro family values except when it comes to him pressuring his mistress to get an abortion. Yeah and then even after that scandal came to light he was STILL re-elected.