
What happens if Valencia countersuits over dc's use of a bat the bat on bacardi rum?

More than you would imagine.

Money allows her to be thankful for everything else on the list.

The joker is bad ass. You could so see him blowing up the Vatican with gunpowder just to throw Italy into chaos.

Serial killers 101

If they are old enough to marry an Islamic state terrorist, they are old enough to know how to prepare his dinner.

This has been coming since that French terrorist kicked a squirel into the grand canyon. Show some loyalty and nuke France.

Actually we need to separate men from women permanently so women can go on without us and men can die free.

'the whole point of prison is to keep...highly manipulative people away from society' because there are far too many of them with access to elected officials now.

Given all crime is an assault on the state and therefor treason, we can expect the penalty for these crimes to be bumped to death?

Melanin is caused by ebola.

I'm sure when I said the usa was one meal away from an ebola outbreak I was refering to the smuggling of bushmeat (apes with ebola) into America.

Lets build a billion population city for women and men can go live elsewhere. Maybe on a beach...

About that...I dont really want to govern you all, I want a billion seat parliament so everyone can represent themselves through consensus. I am however the creator of your religions by accident because my science project involved teraforming Venus with a black hole. As the black hole expanded forward and backwards

President of the English speaking world for life!

Taylor Swift is the vampire that sucked the youth from Renee zelwegger.

Wtf? Renee zelwegger? Noooo! She used to be beautiful. Who is this identity thief?

Too bad we expect the same government shafting tax payers on universal healthcare to give universal healthcare to a billion africans. They would sooner contain it to Africa and pick up the land and resources for free.

been having strange dreams about walking through jungle with others and we pass apes with lesions all over their faces as though they had rampant ebola.

i beat the game at its most violent setting.