
time to get work on three d printing some major artefact in diamond. Have it done by Christmas.

victory at highest level of violence possible.

"He reminds me of a young me."

waitwhat? Bran is boring? Are they insane?

prosecute anyone violating the constitution for treason because no one is above the constitution, not even police officers.

when the only race is human, suggesting skin colour is race is the problem.

ive replaced power switches. Shut the mains with tape over switch and notify everyone in house as to what you are doing so they dont switch it on, check the unscrewed switch for electricity with multimeter to be sure. Switch wires over to their identical fitting positions on the new switch one at a time. Screw new

once you use the basic players guide from becmi dnd as a guide to what needs cutting, its awesome.

Demand that those who have violated the constitution be charged with treason. Charge the police and the looters with treason for violating the constitutional rights of others and deport them to afghanistan. Thats how this must end. In the absolute accountability of American citizens to the constitution.

Solution to Ferguson: those who violated the constitution will be charged with treason, and they will be deported to afghanistan as non citizens.

actually its not surprising. The Australian defence force has described the future of land warfare as regions of high population. That means they intend to kill the civilian majority that objects to being governed by an armed minority.

xmen #143 kitty pryde is alone in the mansion when an interdimensional demon breaks in...99% action. They could have it out by 2016.

i tell secrets to test who can keep them.


the game is annoying. The best results are achieved by the Palestinian president thanking israel repeatedly after they take out terrorists with raids into Palestine...all the while begging for recognition from the United nations.

only ever heard it refered to as Star of David hotel...ever from old Anzacs. And what great work? I'm all for liberating women from men. Religion and men are the worst combination since ugg the rapist caveman decided sex wasnt enough to keep woman quiet.

on the contrary, i'm okay with the multicultural state. Thats the multiculturalism that that coin represents in Palestine and my commonwealth ancestors liberated from Germans in two world wars. I'm all for freedom from religion.

mad max is Mel Gibson. It aint mad max if it isnt Mel Gibson ripping apart the outback. They should have picked up Steve jacksons carwars and developed that.

are you prepared to say no to the few who govern the many and demand self representation for all? No? Then the future is a pile of corpses...peace is a burger. Its short lived whether you eat it or not.