
What the fuck is wrong with those guys?

There’s more talent now that in any time in US Soccer history.

Idioms. You need to study your idioms.

Breaking: candidate says what voters want to hear, film at eleven.

True change can only occur from within. Whenever you want to burn down the system and start afresh, best to always elevate the number two guy, because he’s the one that’s been there before. Always sitting there, right next to the current boss, plotting all the ways you’re going to change the system instead of piping

It’s nice to see that in this chaotic age, US Soccer is staying the course and promoting continuity of leadership by elevating Gulati’s second. New blood might change the fortunes of the US dramatically and that kind of upheaval might be unsettling to some.

God, NBC’s coverage is fucking terrible.

Just because you make fun of someone’s accent, race or ethnicity or anything along the lines of what makes someone who they are... 

Because so many people like you are too stupid to see the racism in it. All of us, you know, reasonable people have to keep pointing it out. Now, isn’t there a white supremacist rally you need to attend somewhere?

I honestly keep writing stuff and have to stop myself from publishing. Dude literally wrote down the definition of racism and says that it isn’t racist.

obvious troll is obvious

“It isn’t racism when you [insert textbook example of racism] it is just you being an over sensitive snowflake! Now excuse me while I drink this Sam Adams while eating a lobster roll with extra mayo.”

No, you’re right. Making fun of what makes a person who they are doesn’t mean you’re a racist. It means you’re an asshole. It also means you’re a racist. So, like a racist asshole. Oh, and thanks for the reminder of the definition of “textbook” racism. In which primer did you find that? McGuffey’s Reader for Fuckwits?

is this satire?

Aw you mad, lil guy?

found the old white dude. doesn’t? What does it ‘do’?

The night time crew is pounding in the Borges carfishing story. Anyhow, the real take down has to come against Minihane. That shithead deserves 10 years in the wilderness along with Certfied Terrible Jerry Callahan. Casual racism is their whole schtick.

It’s racist and so are you.