
So now hashtagging Black History Month is pulling the race card? Such fragile little egos.

Go home and get your tiki torch.

Only to people like you.

You’re completely missing the point. If Davis was white there wouldn’t need to be a coin toss since his accomplishments by far outshines the other persons.

You intuit something if it’s not said directly. Shani Davis doesn’t say “They didn’t choose me because I’m black.” He includes a black history hashtag, which could absolutely refer to the fact that he literally made black history by being the first black athlete to win an individual gold medal in the Winter Games.

A far more qualified black athlete lost out to a far less qualified white athlete. And people are saying he’s a bad sport about it?

I you wanted Barry to address a thing that no one has said, that you intuited from the use of a hashtag that could have meant several other things?

I think I know what he’s trying to say, he’s just not saying it very well. The racism isn’t the coin toss—the racism’s why the coin had to be tossed in the first place.

I already quoted what you said that demonstrated you putting nationalism above his dignity you failed to respond to that and went off on a tangent. I will accept that as an admission you have no valid respone for the comment “I hope he is not honored in the closing games, I hope he’s never put forward for the honor

The race card? Are you serious? No disrespect intended, but that’s a lazy point. How about considering that one of the most qualified athletes, who is Black (at the Winter Olympics no less), did not garner enough votes from white voters, and lost out to a less accomplished athlete because the tie results in a coin

One of these athletes has never one at the Olympics the other has.

ETA: I guess one could interpret the #blackhistorymonth2018 as him pulling the race card, but I did not. 

I agree Davis looks like a sore loser, but on what are you basing your conclusion that he pulled the race card? Seems to me he is suggesting that his being more successful in prior Games should have counted for something, but clearly it didn’t (though I don’t think race had anything to do with it)

I can’t tell if you have pure intentions here or are trolling, but regardless of which it is, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t assign your imagined motivations to me.

The victim doesn’t need to be considered in the way you’re positioning it when it comes to criminal proceedings. There’s a reason the two sides in a criminal case are the defendant and “the State” or “the People” or “the Crown”, depending on jurisdiction. It’s not about personal retribution, it’s in the public

I started with Elway since my bro went to school with him.

I just assumed they gave him the date that Bill was retiring, why else would you stay on?

Yea it’s funny how BB is put on a pedestal. Dude’s just another fuck up coach like the rest of them. TC beat his ass in the Super Bowl twice and now the Eagles. Never understood why people think he’s God. It’s Brady. It’s always been Brady.


I really think there’s a LOT to be read into that response from Tom Brady to Malcolm Butler’s instagram post, and it connects in to this McDaniels thing. Brady isn’t casually going out of his way to do that without thinking about what it means. He made a statement that the most important player on the team didn’t