
I was referring to the film.

Who said he wasnt incompetent.

Yeah, it gets pretty tiresome.

It did pretty well critically.

I dont know, ive seen a good number of films where she gave a decent performance.

I wasnt too taken with it so id still consider Camerons to be stronger. It was a lot more gut wrenching and i empathised with the characters a lot more. I also preferred the music.

Thought it was decent enough.

He can be pretty cutting and direct but she doesnt seem to take it to heart and goes along with it.

For me her and Renner gave the best performances.

Silver Linings Playbook is very good.

On that side i have no arguments, his character was one very cold individual.

Liked Megan a lot.

Tryi g to force this new character onto the show for the last season was a weird move.

>Seth Bullock - Deadwood

Not ruined but i didnt care for Marlo in The Wire in comparison to avon or stringer.

It was nice having a real reality based character who wouldnt put up with jims antics and sthick.

I always thought Andy was a really great addition to the show, its really shocking what they did to him in the latter seasons.

Big fan of both britta and the third season (my fave one).

Swift has a number of pretty good tunes.

“a shit macho fantasy—hyper-violent, ethically repulsive, sad, nonsensical, deathly dull, snail-paced, idiotic, possibly woman-hating, visually suffocating, pretentious.” He then claimed, “I felt violated, shat upon, sedated, narcotized, appalled, and bored stiff.”