
>than most of the FPS's we'd been playing for years…

I kinda digged it, i mean guns and bullets are obnoxiously loud.

Team Force Awakens myself, but Rouge One was neat.

Thats excellent.

In both the books and the show its implied that this does occur. Theon is almost raped before Ramseys "intervention".

>but it has to be done in a sensitive manner in order to spell out both how matter of fact such things were in life in such times as well as to add to the bleak nature of your world

>The critical acclaim has kind of dried up over the past season or two.

I didnt find how the story progressed or it was handled cliched. Ive read a bit of science fiction but wouldnt hold anything against something new dealing with points raised before as long as it does so in an apt way.

One film which did well had this in it, two other ones which came after and which did quite poorly critically also had this element in it. But that roughly seems to be it.

Thought the first thor was one of the stronger marvel films.

It isnt though.

Thankfully no. Its mostly avoided altogether.

Always disliked how stupidly old and on deaths door she always was.

Quite liked the second one.

Didnt find Ex Machina cliched.

>The film received some criticism for treating a romantic relationship as a cure for mental health issues

Personally id take her singing over cyrus's any day of the week.

>Erlich’s been pushed to tangential narratives and interaction with less compelling characters like Big Head and Jian-Yang.

Eh, it'd probably be tied with Uncharted 4 as my game of the year for 2016.

Id consider Matchstick Men to be great, the Martian was also pretty good.