
Pulling you out of the grays just to tell you how wrong you are.

Count me in the camp that hates these guys. Their mechanics are cheap and they completely break the breakneck pacing and natural flow of combat. The entire game, every combat encounter, is built around being incredibly mobile and using the environment to parkour all over the damn place...all except for these these

There are two problems with Stadia.

Did something hilarious happen to you in Death Stranding? Capture an incredible moment in Red Dead Redemption 2? We wanna see it! Send your clips to and we might feature your clip on our show!

Actually, Bungie split from Microsoft in 2007. Part of the deal was that they’d make two more Halo games (ODST and Reach) during the first few years of their independence.

Everyone loves an a la carte model for content—see Netflix, et al—where you can just pay a single reasonable monthly fee for unlimited access” 

Grookey forever, I don’t need validation from the rest of you.