Sociopaths commit most sex crimes, Psychologists do not advocate attempting to treat sociopaths. You are a fraud.
Sociopaths commit most sex crimes, Psychologists do not advocate attempting to treat sociopaths. You are a fraud.
Where do you work? I am a American Police Officer...and they do not give us training on special stats. You have to research those on your own. Only police intel or FBI keeps those stats and the FBI has some interesting stats to support that sex offenders re-offend! Your full of are a Police Secretary at best.
Where are your stats? ... Rapists are criminals through and through.
Statutory rape has been shown to have similar psychological effects to what you hacks call "legitimate rape." The lack of ability to consent, and the impact on the child or adolescent teens development make the crime rape. It is rape.
I believe you may keep qualifying and advocating for sexual predators in an apologist manner. You are vile.
He is a third world anti-Semitic rapist... ignore him.
I work in the criminal justice system too.. and Sociopaths cannot be fixed. We also find that those who defend particular criminal behavior adamantly often commit the same offense. Your qualifiers show your true colors.