
Swedish jails are heartless. They make you assemble your own furniture.

Hmn. Spouses can’t be compelled to testify against each other...

I think she didn’t have the luxury to laugh at herself when she was fighting tooth and nail to be taken seriously as an artist when she was younger. And maybe she missed the opportunity to develop that skill. Or maybe her justifiable defensiveness has hardened and set.

I think she’s gained some weight and is self-conscious. 

I’m one of the few who doesn’t really want to give this evil administration a hard time over shit like family members going on trips — because it was preposterous and maddening every time Fox News flipped over the Obama family joining the president on any of his trips and I’m not a giant hypocrite like the scrotes on

I just watched Always Be My Maybe and my husband and I literally squealed like two teenage girls when Keanu walked out.

I really want them to go with a less traditional old fashioned white guy name to shake things up.

she is so utterly repellent. she always looks drugged out, tired, smelly, and sticky. Her voice is where Gollum went to die.
She is a gargoyle.

Genuinely nice? You must have missed the story from a month or so ago where she harassed a homeless family in Russia, making racist comments, accusing them of human trafficking for no discernible reason and trying to yank their kid away from them.

If there’s any solid proof that white privilege is real, it’s Lindsay Lohan. Someone who doesn’t even rise to mediocrity yet still lives a lavish lifestyle for no other reason other than she’s passably attractive and had a bit of “talent” (in the sheets or whatever). 

This all feels so fake. Note that Nicki doesn’t keep going after Remy Ma, someone with the skills to verbally destroy her. 

Again with the racism?! Who t f is still buying their shite?! 

I fell victim to that maple syrup/lemon juice/cayenne pepper “cleanse” once in my 20s. I lasted three days and thought I was going to die. It took my digestive system WEEKS to recover. 

Nothing worth doing is easy. You want a blue tennessee you gotta fight for it! Come on, you gotta beat this lower-level enemy now so you can take out the final boss in 2020!

I swear.  Taylor does what y’all beg her to do and then you still find a way to shit on her for it.  Either you want her to speak up politically or you don’t. Pick one. 

I hope someone puts together a highlight reel of all the coaching this guy’s ignored and all the obscenities he’s ignored from male players. The violation for coaching was chickenshit at best, and that game penalty was fucking absurd.

Wasn’t aware that the music industry required a four year degree. You wanna even try to veil that race and classism? Like, even a little bit? No? Okay.

She means that Nicki has cultivated a persona that she’s not the type who would back down from a fight and that persona is for entertainment purposes only and not grounded in reality whereas Cardi purports herself to be 100% authentic. It’s a common dichotomy in hip hop feuds.

Jesus, you asshole. It’s just stuff. If a kid is stealing food out of a supermarket I have a feeling she is hungry. That right there (children going hungry) and the other, much bigger crimes (worthy of tazing assholes), are happening in America every second. I can’t even get started.

I mean this when I say it:  fuck these shit fuckers. I hope they die terrible, terrible deaths, alone and screaming for help.