
A few weeks ago I was driving my boyfriend to the airport. We live in Oakland and I was driving him to SFO which includes crossing the bay bridge . And this was during rush hour. For some reason we didn’t think this through. Bay bridge during rush hour is at least an hour in traffic. So we’re stressed for time

She's definitely had some work done. Nothing crazy but little touch ups.

Is there somewhere we can complain about nbcs lame olympics coverage ?? Ughhhh

That’s because they only care about making money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Pennsylvania I think

I have a boyfriend but we don’t have a meet-cute/ romantic story like this. When people ask how we met we’re just like “online”, at least it wasn’t Tinder?

;_; I’ll never have that

but she’s you have a link about the Nazi stuff?

You’re not over the age but insurance might not cover it. My doctor backdated my HPV vaccines so that it would show I received the first one prior to my 27th birthday and it was covered by insurance because of that.

I wanted to post this, too! muhahaha

IDK, I think his economic policies have been better for Cuba than what the U.S. would otherwise have wanted. Just look at Puerto Rico

Michelle’s outfit is on point (as usual). I think she looks way more fashionable the Kate. Poor Kate, stuck in those dowdy princess clothes with no personality.

Wow I thought my dad was the only one like this. Kinda glad I’m not alone now. Ugh, men.

We Mexicans can speak for ourselves, and yes he did offend us!!

Well then she should fix it in the article. I was confused for a second thinking it did take place at the USSC, thought it was strange.

Yup, I made the mistake of buying a cute Jersey dress. Wore it once and it already started developing holes in weird areas. Cheap fabric.

So hot ^.^

Yup. After US announced this policy Cuba responded by sending over their worst criminals who received automatic citizenship

I didn’t like Trainwrech at all and I love Amy. I think it was overly corny?

Guess I’m behind the times! Had never seen an actual picture of Blacc Chyna before but dayum that Jenner girl is dumb.