
Take that shirtless photo down or he’ll sue this website into oblivion.

That’s how you test an unsinkable boat?

I was half-trolling, but I do think it’s a little much to talk about a comeback narrative for someone who made their international debut less than two years ago and is in their first Olympics

It’s like regular luggage, but it’s smart enough to trick you into paying a high markup on unnecessary gimmicks.

Could Transparent just do away with ALL the Pfeffermans and be about, y’know, trans people?

Last night, during her show Laura Ingraham Would Like To Speak To A Manager,

You can’t expose something that’s been exposed over and over and over. At this point either people see it or they’re willfully ignoring it, in which case they’ll never see it. We’re in ‘lead a horse to water’ territory. Not only that, it’s not like the Democratic party is free from affairs in its own right, so all it

Am I the only one who thinks this is all a non-story? Look, nobody who supports Trump is going to give a shit and it ain’t gonna shock the ones that don’t support him. If Trump supporters didn’t get all morally indignant over “grab’em by the pussy”, they’re not going to get their panties in a bunch over an affair or

Thank you! If you’re already in the double digits, more gears is just stupid, just commit to a CVT at that point.

My Subaru changes it’s own oil every month.

A bunch of dead kids year after year is collectively less important than the theoretical ability given to you if you are a citizen of this country to own a machine thats sole purpose is to kill other people.


facebook marketplace

Craigslist? Why not an even shadier place to make a $1.2 million sale, like Letgo?

I hope a bucket of paint falls off a ladder and lands upside-down on your head and gets stuck there and you stumble around with a paint-bucket on your head and crash into a ladder and fall down a manhole.

Someone with even a sliver of empathy and curiosity would know that cozy relationship with The Authorities is a privilege and not everyone has such privilege.

My favorite version is still Bang Bus...

“Only morons care about cars.”

It’s those Volvo headrests, the horizontal stripes make you look fatter.

Why? It’s pretty good. They get good guests, the cars are cool, and the episodes are relatively short.