
Racists find it denigrating (which was what Republicans wanted when they came up with the term) but Democrats (and Obama himself) are fine with Obama’s name being on one of the biggest achievements in American Healthcare.

“Obamacare” wasn’t honorific.

I don’t want to Monday Morning QB your editor but I think we probably would have figured out “Boston” from the rest of the headline.

I know it’s in poor taste but:

The story’s author takes us into the living room of Johnstown resident Pam Schilling, a 60-year-old retiree who is already keyed up to vote for Trump in 2020:

Producer: “Cue up something for the loss of Roy Halladay.”

This is basically where I am at. It’s his writers that needed to get the boot, not him!

If only he had millions of dollars to fall back on

Yup, and then there’s the one who types things like dumcass. Move along back to the hate rally.

Thats kind of the definition of White Privilege.

Mouthing off. white privilege.

“That’d be fairly impressive handling on empty ice”

Comment Of The Day: It’s Always The Quiet Ones Edition

This sucks in a way that’s hard to put into words. Halladay is someone I’d have driven to Cooperstown to see his induction. A personal hero from back when I still had those.

Were you in the habit of putting things in the path of the closing sunroof? I’m trying to understand the fear.

He was trying to break Rand’s spine but couldn’t find one.

Oh my god! This is the Massacre at Bowling Green that Kellyanne Conwoman was talking about! She can see the future!

“I fought to protect the freedoms you enjoy in this country, so you better stop fucking enjoying them!”

A perfectly good argument in that context. They weren’t concern-trolling about ‘protecting’ the kids, they were saying kids weren’t being given the chance to watch meaningful baseball.