
You mean other than wasting Sunday afternoons watching tv?

For that, you need Orig3n’s 3lit3 package.

Kay-Bee Toys for life. 100 West Street represent, yo.

I’m thankful for this stupidity. We all should be. I wish more were this damn dumb. Down the line, it may save our lives.

lol how typical I bet he blames women for it too.

“My name spelled backwards is okenrub, because okenrub mah penis after I write these things.”

It’s actually goodminton.


If other people sold their right to vote, the votes of people who chose not to sell would become more valuable. I would hold out until I had a better sense of how valuable my vote would actually be.

For limited uses. Not sure this thing would be able to hit freeway speeds.

Came in expecting a rotary swap. Leaving deeply satisfied.

The self checkout line doesn’t judge me for buying my 3rd box of oreos this week.

Demolition derby? How about spec diesel touring car race series? Lots of race day spares.

as a whiteish bay area native, now LA-dweller who recently visited family in Michigan and was walking around the whole time there wondering which of these very nice white people around me voted for trump and knowing it was probably about 1/2 of them... i’ll take assholes who vote liberal any day of the week over the

Ivanka can’t make laws? How the hell does government even work?!

that’s how you win back to back to back AAU championships.

So, what I’m reading is JB Weld aluminum epoxy to fill with a stress spreader plate on the back would let me drive this around without this crack spreading. However, the car might catastrophically fall apart if I crash it into anything or hit a really nasty pot hole. Hmmmm... sounds like an acceptable risk.

do you...understand how criticism works?

If you’re telling me that a record from the dudes from Cypress Hill, Audioslave, and Public Enemy is bad...I would believe you.