
Says the guy that was triggered by the OP and had to reply.

This is absolutely terrible for Americans because it means that if you need to interact with someone working unusual hours, you may end up encountering someone who speaks with an accent, and that would be triggering.

There are a thousand better, cheaper, more useful folding e-bikes on the market right now so this won’t sell unless they put more BMW badges on it.

slutty, smashed, anus?

Now he can be like every SUV driver and drive on bald tires because AWD is magic, yo

It’s obvious that the dogs refused to comply with the officer’s instructions to sit, roll over, and fetch, prompting the officer to fear for his life.

Course if it was taken to trial, Corporal “Ballsy” could always claim he feared for his life, so pow! pow!—justified.

Might wanna check the last few lines of the post, buddy. (Admittedly, I failed to include any made-up dialogue between Bell and his pitcher. Very sorry if you felt put out by having to imagine that yourself.)

You think there’s no electric vehicles today, much less in 2040, that don’t have a range that will last more than an hour and 15 minutes?

The 4 for $4 gives me fucking life...

I just want to know who the hell thinks it’s worth it to drive 45 minutes for Chipotle. It’s not that good.


It’s really both. Trump, I think, has no real opinions on voter suppression cause those are the kind of details he ignores. Some of his cronies however are probably deeply committed to the idea of limiting voters to encourage more GOP friendly results. You don’t pull someone like Kobach into your orbit accidentally.

While we’re still unsure of the facts

I mean, the fact that you are OK with someone murdering someone else when in no danger because he is a bad person tells me you are also a bad person.

I would. She’s an idiot who tried to run over somebody for a purse.

I’d convict the shit out of her. She admitted to the crime. And that’s way over the line.

This is really one of those golden opportunities for me. I mean, what if I call and we really hit it off? I’m just saying what if MY call is the ONE CALL he answers out of thousands and we vibe. I feel like we would vibe, me and Jimmy Butler the professional basketball star. It would probably start slow. Like he’d

Yeah, and probably no woman has ever wanted to fool around in the back seat of your motorcycle either.

Well, it’s hard to read effectively with his nose pointed up so high.