
I am desperately, madly in love with the Urban EV. Please...please come to the US.

You may have just changed my life.

Came here for this. Left happy.

W123's will survive the apocalypse. Your puny leaves mean nothing to them.

So NASCAR fans and Golf fans now have something in common.

And that’s why I jumped off the TTAC boat long ago...

In Rod We Trust.

Drafting from a prison team did help another Cleveland franchise once...fictionally...and in another sport...

Once again, they’re both assholes. No one wins in a road rage incident.

True. And I don’t defend that. But if you watch the video, the big Jersey steakhead grandpa tries to break the other guy. That’s assault. However, just like you, I have no idea what happened before the video started rolling and maybe steakhead guy was just defending himself.

Duh, he wears skinny jeans and looks funny. That totally makes him deserving of the assault by the steakhead Toyota driver.

To this day, my dad still says he’s “going to The Aces” when heading out to a bar.

Sadly noted....and I just helped my folks get rid of a CRT TV last month.

That thing went through batteries like ammo. And now I’m searching ebay for one.

Meh. I did it all the time as a kid.

Dammit. Forgot about Phil. If the Pens win again this year we can even it up again.

I hope it’s an even number.

+1 Beeblebrox

I am simply amazed that no one has asked if these straps are strong enough to pull your self up by.