
No high res?

John Hurt though.

Hell yeah. I had this on a mac I was given when I was a kid.

That shit is the mad notes!

Cute, could be handy, seems kinda buggy/laggy. Until it works better, gonna stick with evernote for anything beyond quick jots.

I had a yahoo address for years that was a play on 'sex, drugs, & rock n roll'

Sealed with a curse as sharp as a knife, doomed is your soul and damned is your life.

Sealed with a curse as sharp as a knife, doomed is your soul and damned is your life.

Kinda have to agree. Maybe the article built it up too much. Strum the chords, sing the song low and slow, and uh... yeah. This is just kinda the after-a-five-day-speed-binge-coming-down-hard version. =/

How dare a tech blog try to jump the gun on wwdc coverage. That's completely outside of what tech blogs are supposed to... wait what? it's EXACTLY what they're supposed to do? My bad. I'll STFU and GTFO now. Sorry.

This thing's from back when you only got sheet music, not accompanying mp3's when you bought music for your band/drumline. Maybe I should record them tho.... Hmmmmmmmmm.......

I kinda want an animal style double double now.

Very cool. Thanks so much for including these links.

Yup, I use an XP virtual box on my macbook for work because the OS X version of AutoCAD sux0rs.

Why, oh why, did they have to go all microsoft about it and put the left stick where the dpad should be??? =(

I have a book of space themed drum cadences from this era.

no matter where you go, there you are.

if figuring out how to plug in your usb cables is your biggest problem, or a problem at all... I don't know how to finish this. RTFM I guess. L2P Newbsauce.

Run! It's the fun police!