Hands down the best time I’ve had gaming this year is when I was playing as Lucio for an entire team of Winstons.... literally unstoppable with all the bubble shields and the healing boost/overshields going on haha
Huh.... And here I am thinking that the healers are pretty badass and OP. I pretty much exclusively play Lucio and I love every second of it but when I went 25/4 with him, while zipping around in the fray with the tanks and bastion, I felt a bit OP kinda like another healing tank. The quick regen on your heal boost is…
Ohhhhh shit the SJW's don't like their own medicine guys! It's "mean spirited and hurtful".... "You should fact check!".... yeah we'll start fact checking when the SJW's do, so ball is in your court now.
Jesus, slow the hell down there tiger. Maybe, just maybe, they are taking their time and doing a thorough investigation into the allegations before releasing names and totally ruining someone’s life. If they DID do what’s alleged then they absolutely deserve to be roasted, tarred and feathered but until we know for…
I would argue that ANYTHING that can be related to Anita Sarkeesian’s “work” SHOULD have that initial knee jerk reaction because IT is usually the most sexist and factually incorrect one. I do not mean that by default anything from FemFreq should immediately be discarded because hey, I’ll admit even Glenn Beck is…
Yeah happens quite a bit to video game journalists who give negative reviews or are critical of a game and the developers hit them with a false claim to try to silence them. Jim Sterling and a YouTuber named SuperBunnyHop have two of the most infamous cases of false claimants. Check them out.
Can we all just get fucking pissed that its 2016 (to put it in regressive terms) and we still have multi-person bathrooms???? Seriously you wanna fix this issue? install 4 single use bathrooms in every place of business and just put a sign that says "Restroom" on the door. ALL THE REGRESSIVES PROBLEMS WOULD BE SOLVED…
Now if only they could figure out a way to PUNISH the people making false claims, Like enacting the same punishments on the false accuser’s account for the same duration of time that the original poster’s account was down or under restrictions, that would be real progress. It would also help speed up the process…
Haha exactly this!.... Sadly I believe the Atheist community is actually more acutely aware of these types of things in general than the religious fanatics. You could never force me to believe in a sadomasochist like the Judeo Christian god and much less the brutal barbarian rapist that is Allah. #GodIsNotGreat…
Hahaha that's a great joke actually! Same with the Big Book meme too, since that rings all too true. But ISIS really are the Nazi's of our time, NOT the favorite target of the regressive liberal's, the Grand High Lord Emperor himself, AKA the next President of the USA, Donald Trump. (If you needed a trigger warning…
Would it be so hard to add poses as something you select like Halo has for years now? So you never really have to deal with it if you don’t CHOOSE to. I really only object to the removal if poses are something you can choose for your character, if that’s the case then it’s absolutely censorship to a vocal minority and…
I can elaborate if you’d like: A game is a work of art. Therefore even though you may be offended by said artwork and even when the creator is compensating you and is using your likeness, NOBODY is REQUIRED to change a damn thing about it. Now most likely they will in this case because it may actually cost them a…
These people DO NOT do the same fucking job! Holy shit do some real fucking research and compare apple’s to fucking apple’s. It’s not even difficult, compare the fucking job title’s then look at the pay for each one and average by what men and women make if you want to make a fair comparison. Ohhhhh fuck I forgot this…
The only real fucking reason his entire family would be at risk of a sudden and indiscriminate death from the United States of America is because they were jihadists or they were hiding a terrorist in their basement. If they were then I would say good shot to the drone operator. On the other hand, the hard truth is…
Thank you for fighting the good fight of rationality on this page. We know nothing and yet there were calls to “stop supporting a rapist”. I for one am terrified to live in a country that without a single fact being heard labels someone as one the most despicable people on earth. There’s no due process there, there’s…
Ummm I read every single word of that article, and typical regressive tactic, just trying to dismiss critique because you don’t like the truth and you agree with the author. Literally the first paragraph is a setup, a facade if you want to call it that. It’s made to look like he’s saying “yay diversity is great!”.…
So you hate diversity is what I just read in that article. What the fuck do you really want? Literally your lambasting them for having a diverse Youtube channel. They have a myriad of points of view and yet that's worthy of scorn? I thought that what you liberal regressives were all about: DIVERSITY! It’s even…
Yes it stutters occasionally, yes I had the frame rate completely tank to 1 / sec (aka it fuckin froze 2 times) and yes there was noticeable pop in and some bad textures for a few seconds at times. But damn it if it wasn’t the best experience I’ve stayed up till 4am to finish in the last year. I understand the broken…
Trust me.... Take the $18 risk on this one. Normally I’m right there with you on these types of games but I downloaded it last night when I got home from work, sat down to see what it was all about because I thought the art style seemed really cool. Next thing I know it’s 4am and I have to work in 4 hours and shit…