
This is exactly it! I would have 100% bought into Dany laying waste to innocent people in the midst of battle. As an “ends justifying the means, however awful” sort of way. But I 100% do not buy into Dany burning up children for absolutely no reason after the battle was won. It would have been shocking and horrible

It was - she told Ned in season 1 that Robert would occasionally stumble drunk into her bed and she’d finish him in “other ways” before he passed out, and he had no idea they hadn’t done the deed. 

The prophecy is already wrong - she had a baby with Robert, her “black-haired beauty” who died of a fever (I think) when he was just a baby. 

You are speaking my language. I literally started singing La Vie En Rose to my kids every night before bed after the amazing episode where Ted hears The Mother singing it and then talks to the kids about how she sang it to them every night but that rendition was his favorite. I had tears in my eyes over that episode

I suppose I should have been more clear: my only criteria for the primary is the candidate I think can beat Trump. I understand that’s not a popular opinion, but right now I am not thinking of the candidate who has the best ideas or the best policy. In any other year I would be, but not this year. I’m just going to

I don’t necessarily agree that we need an in-between white male, BUT I 100% agree with your frustration that no one here seems to understand politics. Like it or hate it (I actually really do hate it), we must understand something: POLICY DOES NOT WIN ELECTIONS. Pete has done the completely correct thing. He is not

There’s nothing wrong with it in an ordinary election. This election is not even remotely ordinary. Every election is important, but this one is, I’m sorry for hyperbole, the most important election in the history of our republic and the ONLY thing that should matter to any Democrat is beating Trump. That’s it. I

I feel like Ghost was the runt, which they made a joke about way back in the pilot, since Jon is the bastard/runt of the Stark litter. BUT you’re right, Nymeria was basically taller than Arya when she encountered her in the woods, and Summer/Shaggy/Greywind were enormous. Ghost just looks like a dog so I don’t see why

THE BEST BOY, and Jon just walks off like a fucking popstar abandoning his pet monkey at the airport in Germany (#NeverForget, Beiber, you dick). Ghost ran headfirst into a zombie horde for you, Jon, and lost his ear, and you’re gonna just fuck off without PETTING HIS BEAUTIFUL HEAD? Fuuuuuuuuuuck youuuuuuuu. This

No one should be being a jerk to you and I agree, technically, the photo is a spoiler. But you have to admit it’s kind of odd to invest this much time clapping back at people who think you’re being a baby when, as you repeatedly point out, you have a lot of life responsibilities. If you have time to visit this site to

I’ve heard this theory before and I don’t understand how it could make any sense at all. But I’m willing to listen!

But doesn’t it matter that whoever wins is highly likely to replace RBG on the court, and possibly one or two others? One of the reasons Trump still get support from even those who hate him is their willingness to use him to get what they want out of SCOTUS and other federal courts. Why can’t the left do the same for

I’ll happily vote for Sanders if he gets the nomination. But he did act like a ass at times during the primary. He said he didn’t think Hillary was qualified, which was utter nonsense, and by staying in long past the time when it became mathematically clear he couldn’t win, he sowed the seeds of discontent, just in my

I know. I just said in another comment everyone seems to be focusing on the wrong things. In a normal boring election I would 10000% agree that we should look for the candidate with the best ideas and strongest policies and most qualifications. But this is not a normal cycle and instead ALL we need is someone who can

This is fine. I don’t know if he can beat Trump though, and that is literally my only real criteria this time. It is imperative that we win. I will vote enthusiastically and convince others to do the same for whoever the Democrats nominate against Trump, but I feel like we’re getting so bogged down thinking over who sh

Important question: all my remaining 30k in student loan debt is privately held. Will I still qualify for relief or does this only apply to government owned debt? 

I squealed with delight watching Arya eye-fuck the shit out of him in that scene, and ALSO upon seeing your name listed first in the comments. Dodai!!!!

The flat head is definitely a factor. Both my kids slept in RNPs overnight for their first 3 months. One got flat head and we had to get him one of those helmets (he looked quite adorable in it) to sort it out. 

It’s all about risks we’re willing to accept. My sister let her son sleep on his tummy from day 1 as a newborn because he literally would only sleep that way. This increased his risk of SIDS but it’s not like you go from one in a million chance to one in ten. It’s all incremental. Both my kids slept exclusively (and be

Thank you. A lot the negative comments seem to boil down to “I don’t have the same experience as other people or like the same things as them so that makes me superior.” Like get a grip. I should also note that I received the wine tumbler at a bachelorette party and use it mostly to drink coffee because it keeps it