
I mean, Gawkier was right there.

I believe it was Barry who called them “big business brains.”

I’ll support Drew and the other writers still here, as long as they #sticktosports. If they get kicked, I’ll follow them wherever they go. If they get Barstool Brain Implants instead, then I’ll move on. It’s about the people - wherever they may end, don’t count on liking their new corporate overlords just for hiring

Jim Spanfeller still buys his Dockers from the husky boys section. 

Drew, is it true that neither Jim Spanfeller nor Paul Maidment ever had friends, a girlfriend, made any sports team, or has seen The Godfather? Is it also true that Jim smells like sweaty hobo taint and Paul smells like a urinal puck?

A question for the Funbag: why should I keep reading anything on this website after Jim Spanfeller and Paul Maidment went to the lengths of firing Barry, like cowards, for the dumbest of reasons?

I want to support the writers here—this is both the best website that exists, and has ever existed, and the best sports

Every article should be about the good dogs and cats of the world. Fuck sports. Fuck people in general. I'll read about a badass bird or confused spider sooner than a multimillionaire hitting a ball with a stick. #TeamEverythingButHumans

Don’t you think those dogs would be better if they were cats?

Maybe the Stargate program is real. It would be a crazy scenario where Trump is CinC over Stargate*.

The letter that offered no more support than “you are running for President”?

One guy: Ernie Adams.

If he won’t play, what does that say about leadership, huh? Sends a bad message to the kids, that’s what it says. And you gotta think it applies to other things in his life. Now, for example, I doubt his commitment to Sparkle Motion.

What is with the defeatist tone of this article? A person required to play quarterback for the Jets *wants* to continue to live, which is undeniable progress. 

Hes basically doing the China model, building the infrastructure for space to an outlandish future proof scale then letting everyone else adapt around the new normal in their own time.

The Pirates have not yet commented on Vazquez’s arrest.”

Reference about a quarter century past the use-by date . . . as am I. Have a star and a piece of hard candy. Wake me up with Matlock is on the television, will ya’?

If you can’t make it work in Santa Clara, just do what we did and move everything to Altamont!

The most important thing about my story was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time.

Oilers fans are pretty angry too. It’s been 5 whole years since they got a top 3 pick. Totally screwed!

Now playing

I just missed it. 72. Bummer of a number, all it elicits from me is the Munich Olympics.