
I agree. The intent of those services provided for with those fees can often be achieved through a free service. Linking savings to a checking acct is one example, as are low-balance warnings or simply setting up a debit card to be rejected if there are insufficient funds.

Of course I'm agreeing with & endorsing what you wrote.

Using formulas for interest & monthly payments are great, but there's no substitute for real amortization tables. In reality, people aren't going to pay the same amount every single month to their loans, and no formula or calculator will do what a spreadsheet can for a quick view of the effects.

I could do a whole book worth of tips for using Excel for personal finance.

It's important to keep tabs on your credit score.

Cd is a constant for any specific vehicle. V (velocity) is a squared, causing the overall drag to climb exponentially at higher speeds.

Growing up, my parents had this type of arrangement. My father was very good with money, and it worked well up until he passed away. It took my mom quite a while—and I wouldn't say it's done yet—to develop those skills for herself. I still help her out, especially with things like taxes.

I don't necessarily believe that couples actually fight over money as much as studies would indicate. Rather, I believe that money is a barometer of the health of the relationship, much like a fever is for the body. There are many illnesses that result in a fever, and there are many underlying relationship problems

I recall a study where physical response (arousal) to viewing men/women was measured. For men viewing men, few (IIRC under 10%) had recordable arousal, while for women viewing women, it was close to 50%.

Some of these are myth or fact depending on how they are phrased. For example, do women watch porn? The answer is usually given in the percentage of women who have at some point in time in the past watched porn, not what percentage currently watch it. Furthermore, it's not defined how low would the percentage need to

My solution to the question of spending extra time in traffic v. pay a toll is to not make the trip in the first place. When forced, we often find ways around normal tasks we think we have to do: phone, email, teleconferencing, combining meetings, etc.

My comment about coupons isn't about the time it takes, but rather that it leads to buying things you normally would not have bought simply because they are a good deal. That's why they make coupons—because you will actually spend more.


This is the internet, your common sense and thoughtful research is unwelcome here.

Ability to trademark the term—it's the same reason Blu-Ray is missing the "e."

Power/liter is hardly as important as torque/liter.

Yes, the 2.5L 185 hp engine in the new 3 certainly *is* zippy. No, it's not sports car fast, but it's perkier than any other 'normal' compact car I've driven.

I would guess that you can get more power/liter from an engine if you don't bother tuning it for efficiency. In other words, if your only goal is power & torque, you can bump up those numbers, but you will see your mpg drop. Automakers have to balance both of those things.

It's due to our lower minimum octane ratings. IIRC, the 14:1 international engine doesn't produce more peak power/torque than our 13:1 engine, but the torque curve elsewhere in the rev band is higher, particularly at low rpm.