
To be honest...I'm kind of surprised that the Jackass guys have lasted this long.

Anyone who wears these around would probably get laughed at. And not necessarily in a good way...

That was subtle.

MGS2 and MGS3's graphics still hold up pretty well. Especially Snake Eater's. Peace Walker doesn't look good at all.

Like the Lil Wayne song?

Hopefully they'll add a recap like they did for Mass Effect 2 PS3.

What about the first game? Is it required to enjoy the second?

I didn't realize this game was even coming out soon. Weird...

LeBron also had Mike Brown though. Watch as Mike Brown takes the Lakers to a title next year. ;D

Gankutsuou "Counte of Monte Cristo" -"Based on Le Comte de Monte Cristo"

Look at all the nerds with their "meh" posts LOL

Mail in a receipt with upc? lol...i dunno. I guess you have a point.

Well at least give us a discount. Especially if its a more recent game. One can dream right?

So are the people who already bought these games for the PSP going to get them for free? :P

Did someone break up with you because you didn't reply to their Facebook messages or something? LOL

Or you could just say Sony is actually giving us something when they don't really owe use anything. How's that for opinion piece? ;)

Scholarships, food, and housing seem like appropriate compensation to me.

At least it wasn't as stupid as the IGN headline. Something about it took Sony 6 days to notify us but only 4 days to respond to Congress. LOL

People really need to stop using wild animal analogies. Obviously you don't go around poking wild animals or kicking hornet nests. But the bears and hornets also don't break into your house and steal your shit after they claw and sting you.