
@bigd7387: What infrastructure? Just it seems like it could be as easy as ESPN whitelisting a block of IP addresses. Isn't that what they are doing with universities? (I have TWC in SoCal but I can access ESPN3 simply by connecting via VPN to my college campus)

Current list of ESPN3 Service Providers:

@rich8606: There's a thing called the internet. ;)

They should seriously punk the guy and make him the worst center in the league.

Surprised Monkey Island 1 and 2 aren't on here. Were super cheap for awhile.

Surprised Monkey Island 1 and 2 aren't on here. Were super cheap for awhile.

@flox44: I dunno I guess I didn't get the same feeling from Arena. It could just be that it is too early in the life of the game for me to feel like I'm in the correct division.

I wish they stuck to the rank system from Halo 3 or at the very least kept credits separate from rank. If I wanted to grind or farm I'd go play a MMO or RPG.

They need more maps and need to fix the playlists.

Maybe I'm just missing the connection...but how is this "God of War"

@Chernobyl: Fair enough. I guess I've just never been that big a fan of Solitaire. haha :)

That was quick. A few clicks and I have 300 MS points.

Ugh...more ambiguous cross-up shenanigans? I think I'm going to hate fighting these guys as much as I hate fighting Rufus.

@lunchbox5388: Its possible. I remember last year's beta they accepted people in waves. So some people didn't get in at first but were accepted further along into the testing.

@lunchbox5388: I don't think I've ever known anyone who was not accepted to one of these.

@KingMongoloid: If that's the case I don't really have a problem with that.

The disclaimer about voice chat is confusing. Is only party chat disabled (i.e. forming a party via the dash) or is ALL in-game voice chat disabled (i.e. just hanging out in a Halo game lobby and while actually playing the game)?

"Jones said they felt that Ninja Theory would be a good fit for DmC because they felt the studio knew how to make solid melee games"