
@Bastard11: So you're bringing morality into this now? If that's the case, how about you go burn all of the clothes you own that were built in sweatshops?

@mean_mr_mustard: Most of the people who are complaining sound like they don't even like the game (buy BC2 instead!!!), don't even own it or are one of those "but DLC is free on PC" cheapasses who don't buy DLC on consoles anyways. :D

@SuperTongue: lol. Well its too late for them to get in on it anyways. I myself got two years out of it.

@Bubbleman!: They might be the worst looking characters in FFX but they were still better than the ones in FFIX

Outside of Vivi...worst character designs of the series.

@Halo_Override: Someone send this list to the people on the Tester haha

@rb1971 - E39M5'er: Yup. That and its double XP for all playlists for you Prestige whores. ;)

@zoompooky: Its still pretty much the same as Halo 3 which offered 3 maps for 800 pts (every map pack IRRC contained one remake map from Halo or Halo 2)

@Deez: haha..those were my exact same complaints last night. Apparently the maps have been added to all of the other playlists today though. :)

@Arelan: Not condoning this in any way but there's also a way to share Xbox Live DLC/Arcade downloads between two people.

@zoompooky: I can't refute your second claim because I never played the original COD4 versions of the maps.

@drag: Exactly what I'm thinking. I bought the maps and they are actually 5 new maps to me because I never played COD4 MP.

I know everyone is hating on the MW2 maps (I'm somewhat in agreement over pricing) but I never remembered there being this big of a stink when Halo 3 had its multiple map packs with 3 maps (1 usually always being a remake of a Halo or Halo 2 map) that cost 800pts.

@Britton: My experience was from around the US PC launch back in 2003 so I'm sure whoever is left are all hardcore. Maybe I was playing with all the solo noobies like myself. :)

@Britton: The funny thing is, I remember being mixed in with Japanese players. I wonder if they even understood my pleas for help. Although you would think that seeing my character laying there would be a hint lol