
I really wish that all people could just read this and understand that our relationship has nothing to do with theirs (our being anyone in an open relationship).

Well, I do get wound up when my marriage, which is the most important part of my life, is called "horseshit" by a writer I generally like in a very public setting. I'll cop to that.

I've been in an open relationship for over seven years now, it's been fine, no drama. I'd gladly take a bet that my marriage lasts longer than Drew's. Drew is also just factually wrong about "please don't bang other people" being an integral part of marriage; polygamy (for men) is a more common relationship structure

In complete agreement about the bleeding/leading thing.

Open relationships and the assumptions with which people go into them are so fascinating to me. As an outsider it seems to me you've got two starkly differently camps—the folks who walk in clear-eyed, knowing how important communication and honesty and commitment are, and then the folks who are like "I'll get to fuck