

Cassowaries: Seen them in the wild in Northern Queensland. About the only time my parents used my camera for a photograph, because there was NO WAY they were getting out of the car to get theirs.

I knew a girl who would "punish" D20s with freezer time. Funny, but a bit creepy

And if you look at the date this was posted, it was before they announced that.

Yessssssss, New Jean de Flambeur. Quantum Thief utterly, utterly blew my mind.

Ayup, which wasn't announced when this was posted originally.

One thing Marvel has done pretty well all along is casting, so I'm eager to see what he does with the role- though I'm not really familiar with his work.


I'd love to try this, but I'm not sure I can invest. There's so many other cool RPGs out there atm, and my 4e books still work just fine.

But if it's not an area you look at/know about- ie, someone who's followed the anti-vax movement- you'd probably just assume that there is a link. Which is the real tragedy of the whole Wakefield affair- not that it radicalised a bunch of fringe nutters, but that it polluted the true information for normal people.

I do kinda feel for them, as unless you're up on the whole topic you'd just see a group like the NAA as an Autism charity. Still, I'm glad they made the right decision after getting feedback.

Only if it looks like Fantastic Mr Fox

Well, that's not horrible? I guess?

Given how far out we are from the Satanic Panic era, and how off mainstream D&D is these days, I'm sure it'll be tongue in cheek

He'd better get the moustache soon. Aint Gordon without the moustache.

Test Pilot after having been a combat pilot is feasible

Test pilots are the craziest of the crazy

Sure, I'd stop drinking, but then I'd be playing Tetris, which is full blown addictive behaviour for me.

But even then, an Android phone from 3 years ago looks different to an Android phone from this year.

But your phone doesn't look like your car, and doesn't look like your television- they came from different designers.