
Ecto-cooler sucked, fuck 90s nostalgia.

But it’s perspective like that which makes a candidate ‘unelectable’ in the first place. If everyone voted for the person they wanted to, maybe we wouldn’t be stuck with these ‘lesser of two evils’ choices in the general all the goddamn time.

“Don’t vote for him because he can’t win?” Do you know what cause and effect are?

Holy shit are gamers whiny about EVERYTHING?

I can’t believe how little of a shit I give about this.

I can’t wait till your kids put you in a shitty elderly home.

GTA already strays a little cartoony graphics-wise, I assume intentionally and for this very reason.

Gwyneth Paltrow has to be the most gullible person alive. Every stupid new-agey fad she jumps on almost immediately.

You mean the extended edition actually has dramatic stakes and long-term impact on the series? That would be a welcome addition!

Because it looks dumb as hell, for one.


maybe, if we’re lucky, they did port over the pre-credits reveal that one of the characters died in Vietnam after the events of the film.

“Hey, I know you’ve been here ten years, but now you have to agree to seven shifts this week, or get no shifts at all!”

Oh look, that “unions already won weekends and the minimum wage, there’s no need for them anymore!” line is a complete crock of horseshit!

It’s exactly because she’s an inspired choice that she’s gone. It’s likely that (god forbid!) she wanted the first Marvel movie starring a black hero to actually have a message. The boardroom-blandness of the Marvel creative process can’t stand for it.

This is dumb as hell. CGI is just a tool, no different from any other. Maybe special effects are now not as costly as they used to be, so terrible filmmakers can use them just as much as good ones can? Just because that guy has never been outside at night doesn’t mean special effects are murdering movies.

I miss when everything in the game could be got by unlocking it. Getting all the hidden shit in the first Smash Bros was a good chunk of the fun!

Part of the point of the park was that everything was rigidly automated, and thus could be run by a skeleton crew. That’s why Jeff Goldblum has his chaos theory meltdown, because all that clockwork-automation is doomed to hiccup and there’s no fallback plan.

Welcome to Postmodernism!

I know where their Space Age optimism went! It fucking vanished after they slashed space exploration budgets, research budgets, dug their fingers into their ears and refused to acknowledge any sort of scientific or cultural progress.