
Clinton and Biden have *mostly* the same base, but Biden also has the experience of VP and Obama-loyalists to lean onto.

Lessig is an incompetent narcissist. Did you read his AMA on Reddit? He gave no meaningful answers to anything asked of him. I doubt he could run the country, let alone a message board.

I’ve heard Carter-Lewis suggested as an alternative.

You could always support the most authentic and progressive candidate: Bernie Sanders

Raising our doubt ceiling is more important than having a debt at all, which really doesn’t influenve the nation’s economy in any way.

Doubtful. Increased gun control will only force the still disenfranchised and still mentally unstable to resort to knifing or bombing.

Only black women are allowed to reference themselves as “chocolate”?

Should we really be sweeping under the rug the problems of the sex industry?

The word “rebel” has meaning outside of the American Civil War.

MissingNO. fills one of the 250 slots in the game. It’s a Pokémon.

National polls are meaningless outside of gauging name-recognition, but state polls are still useful.

Have you been following the polls, at all? Bush is tied with one other person in sixth place. He also garnered zero support from people 18 to 35 in a recent Florida poll.

The CA senate just passed a ton of climate laws.

How is he unelectable when he’s polling better in head-to-heads than Clinton? He’s more electable than she.

Sanders has been polling very well with both centrists/moderates and conservatives. There’s a huge disconnect between conservative voters and the party itself.

“Stan,” as in a character from a music video of the same name by Eminem, who is obsessed with Eminem to the detriment of his self and relationships.

Have you been following any of the polls? Sanders fares better with both moderates and progressives than Clinton.

Sanders polls better against the Republican candidates than Clinton. At least he has a better chance.

Sanders is not a sheepdog.