
Missionary is clearly the easiest position for hand-access because you can just reach down and touch yourself. How is that difficult to imagine?

So, 4 million people are trafficked a year and that's a negligible number? Fuck off.

Go ahead and cite any source that suggests that human trafficking is no issue among rape-prostitution.

I did the same. I was also known to eat candy still in the wrapper because I liked the extra chewiness. Unfortunately, I would also eat the paper stick from bubble gum pops/lollipops.

The no-lap tracks are generally considered to be the best of this version.

Again, anecdotal.

Your anecdotal evidence is no different from mine—I can claim that what I have experienced is true while dismissing yours just as you have done to me.

McDonald's food is so cheap that they can afford to toss food out like it's nothing. It does not mean people are entitled to it.

Sorry, but I never eat at McDonald's because their food makes me sick.

No, you send it back for a replacement. Refunds are a very rare situation. No one is entitled to a refund once they've nearly entirely completed their meal.

The kitchen makes an effort to provide a suitable replacement, not a refund if you've already eaten the entire meal. It seems like this person never even bothered to make their system compatible with the game.

I'm 25. I've worked in restaurants since I was 15. I think ten years is long enough to know what I'm talking about.

I never insinuated anything along those lines. You would be an asshole for demanding a refund rather than a replacement. Simple as that.

Most people don't take three bites. They eat the whole meal and then complain.

And if you force a restaurant to do any of that you are an asshole.

I just don't feel entitled to free food, so I don't go around complaining for the sole purpose of getting my meals comped. I'm not an asshole.

Alcohol tastes disgusting and is disgusting—it's indicative of a disgusting person. It is far from integral in our culture.

I believe no one should get drunk ever regardless of gender, but I also believe that alcohol should be banned.

Have you ever worked in the food industry? Usually the only people who demand a refund are those who DID eat the entire meal before speaking up.

If I don't enjoy a meal I'm not entitled to send it back for a refund. That's just not how the world works.