
I know I'm not on Kotaku, but isn't that second picture of that man and the little girl a part of a cutscene from Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker?

Hey, three's a crowd, so why not make it so? They probably invite Adrianne over from the smithy next door.

When I first read the name "Eric Schiller," I immediately thought that Phil Schiller and Eric Schmidt had a baby.

Oh, I meant to say "split-phase" wiring instead of "dual-phase." Thanks for the heads up.

I really wanted to use Powerline networking in my home, but you see, it has dual-phase wiring. What that means is that the power in my house is divided into two sections, where one side powers the hall bathroom and smaller rooms and the other powers the kitchen, garage, master bedroom, etc.

That sounds like the SOP injection from Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots!

Well, since we know that a mile is 5,280 feet, each foot is 12 inches........ehhh, someone do the math.

What tekwiz says is absolutely right. I personally don't own an iPhone, but I do own an iPad 2. I simulated the multitasking gestures on my friend's iPhone 4 to show him what it would do on the iPad 2, and using 4 fingers is extremely hard to do.

My first Mac was and still is my Late 2008 White Polycarbonate MacBook, and she's still chugging along.

Seriously? Instead of making an intelligent statement of disagreement, you go along and call the author a dumbass?

Hmmm...seeing as he was at the pump, he must've had to swipe his card. Should've paid cash.

Oh I show?

I refuse to submit to such nonsense! *Clicks comment submit button

I think you may want to switch the words "a" and "strong" in that last paragraph.

Hmmm....since he's a defense attorney, I wonder if he'll represent himself?

Should read "screaming to be freed."

So Avatar, right?

Pretty soon we're gonna have a whole slew of Agent 47s walking the Earth.

I've always wondered what a MacBook Air sounded like......

Boo, MacBook Pro sleeves were sold out. Also, one question: Why are the prices higher on Incase's page?