
THANKYOUSOEFFINGMUCHFORNOTICINGTHAT. I came here to blow a gasket over that. I’m unsure how someone “leaves” their kid...with their spouse...who is the child’s father...BLARGH!!!!!

Also, the person she “left” her child with was that child’s other parent. If it was a succession of hired nannies I might be willing to entertain some speculation (although being raised primarily by paid help has worked well enough for enough people for long enough that I’m not even really ready to raise an eyebrow)

Try explaining an 8 year gap on your resume caused by raising the child you birthed out the vagine. I’m convinced that I’d have an easier time finding work as a paroled felon. Advanced degrees and an awesome resume? Too bad you shat out a bebe, honey. You’ll never work in this town again!

And this right here is what pisses me the fuck off about our parenting culture in America. Parents (well, mostly mothers) are expected to be able to fill every single need for their children single-handedly. A parent is expected to be a caretaker, teacher, cook, laundress, cleaner, food source, and crafter-in-chief.

These two always make me yell at the TV. Always. Katrina I can more or less “tolerate” but something about Scottie’s perma-smile sends me into a rage-stroke.