@AcidCrownie: Exactly. I'm gonna go see it nevertheless :D
@AcidCrownie: Exactly. I'm gonna go see it nevertheless :D
@AcidCrownie: True, but nevertheless, after watching some of the commercials, I cant help but feel like some shots are included to specifically promote 3d. For example, when Wesker throws the glasses, its hard to say that the 3d flows. It seems like they had Wesker throw the glasses so they could have another shot…
I'm sensing a new fad here....
@pandafresh: First one I thought was pretty good if you consider its also a prequel to the first game. The second was terrible, and the third was pretty meh
I dont wanna rain down on this movie, cause I like the Resident Evil Movies, but did Mr. Anderson just admit that the built the movie using only gimmicky 3D? The kind thats specifically included in movies so they can say it has 3d in it? D:
Come on! Everyone's doing it!
@bowei437: Dell...... a B? Lets not get carried away here
@gemcosta: I have noticed that too unfortunately. Especially when scrolling from side to side on the home screen.
I really do like what I'm seeing in this tablet. Theres some cool features the ipad still hasn't gotten down yet, and I think thats great. However, I do think that it will have a tough time competing with the iPad and the immense Apple hype that surrounds all of their products
@Tycho Vhargon: Bigger numbers make consumers buy!
It surprises me that samsung releases something this ugly after coming out with the really sleek Galaxy S Tablet.
@Pope John Peeps II: $8 dollars here!
Im still not sure why sony can't take a hint about one measly extra analog stick. I mean, jeez, even the mockup pictured above looks better than what they've been coming up with for psp's
@Gary_7vn: Id pay money to see a tempurpedic do that, however
Just reminded me
@DocSeuss: I have to agree with this. I'm excited to see what else wasn't in the beta
@xxXX_Insanities_Birth_XXxx: They didnt have much originality in a general sense. The guns were the same as in any other FPS. The story I found for the original two were lacking (eventhough it was the same story told through two different people). Its just all around average. Nothing new brought to the table, even if…
@xxXX_Insanities_Birth_XXxx: Well not only pc gamers. Its coming to consoles also if I'm not mistaken? At least the 360 considering the people playing on the multiplayer demo were using 360 controllers. Nevertheless, I thought the original and warhead were garbabe
@legendnthemaking: I see what you did there