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    @archercc: And I really wanted to think there was some kind of legitimate reason behind all this...

    Am I the only one that can't seem to understand the why in this?

    @TonyTriple: Don't you ever ever ever ever forget about Tron again!

    Now playing

    I have been as patient as possible. Now... I get to be as happy as this guy.

    Does the magic also help with penis enlargement?

    @Anonymoose: Honestly, B&N has the best readers right now. This is an opinion from someone who uses one daily. They have the most functionality (go figure), hardware design and yes the quality of their devices is much higher than both the Kindle and sony e-readers.

    It's spinning over water... I don't know I get the feeling this thing is going to start a hurricane, disturb an airplane or some other aircraft, or cause some other major disaster that results in the government ordering it to be shut down.

    I want

    ew. just. eww

    @Grewal: Yeah it is. I use it all the time.

    @AvalonBright: It's Astrid from How To Train Your Dragon! That movie is so GOOD!

    @PoG: This was amazing. And made especially easier to read because of the lack of distraction from your avatar... not that I really hated it.

    We need more like this. I'm in Florida, the tropical storm has turned the skies dark and reading this made me feel like the sun may have come up for a bit today. Thank you Mark.

    @morninggloria: I think the worst part of that story is that peeing on jellyfish stings doesn't work :(

    @Canon7D-Fanboy: oh ya'll just gon' sit there and fall asleep on the Dell Lightning huh?