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    @lledra: I first thought she was Tayuya too, and Getty Images tells me "SAN DIEGO - JULY 21: Tracy Ho shows her costume as she is dressed as Tayuya during Comic-Con International "

    @yarrrbles: Maybe she's looking for Wan Shi Tong's library

    @Facebook: It's like an imaginary friend you made up when you were younger. He's much cooler than you, he's better than you in every way. And as you get older, you start to realize that he's demeaning... VERY demeaning. And not only that EVERYONE who knows better hate him. But you still see him preying on the ignorant

    @PoG: Dude. Everytime with this daggon Avatar.

    I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.

    @Wwhat: evrytime I see Celcius I think of my last name...

    @PoG: CM6 is out?

    @RenRen: Hey there bud... the title of The Dark Lord is strictly reserved for He Who Must Not Be Named. Satan is just some other fool...

    @mrchomicz: i see you love showing us numbers. That's fine and all but make sure that what you say about those numbers are accurate. some guy up top just stated that he had issues and didn't report it. That alone prompts me to think that there are other people out there having issues that have not reported. So with

    @RenRen: I like Satan better

    I was born and raised in Haiti. There, no one really talks about racism.

    @FritzLaurel: lol. They should have BEEN done this. That idiot went and got the iPhone stolen and forced Apple to stop working on the phone just so they can control the case that Gizmodo and the rest of the world started against them.

    @BadPlasmid: you deserve that star. Tomorrow... when all this happens... I will come back and I will click that heart.

    @Nitemancometh: I have talk-to-text AND swype.... it's an awesome world

    @dfxdeimos: fuckin add an 'S' behind the damn thing...

    @Thalia Al Ghul: I know right? I was trying to think of something witty to say, but all I could think of was "THOSE SHOES". In my defense, I'm tired!