
People who believe there is such a thing as a “console war” are the real losers.

And what Sony still does? Fuck yes they should.

The best player in the world over the last 15 years”.

I think the key thing is this: buy the thing or don’t, but don’t seek validation through that choice.

Do you not think it’s a little callous to describe the debate around trans rights as “a progressive online circle jerk”?

Steal it. I have heard of a bay, where pirates live.

idiotic remark by the kotaku staff, as has already been shown, players can pick visual (body type) and vocal/voice traits, as well as pick the witch/wizard dormitory to create whatever avatar they’re comfortable with.

how about supporting all the writers and developers who poured their heart and soul into what looks like an awesome adventure in a wonderful universe that’s bigger than the original author and her real life politics?

Rent or buy secondhand, if that helps. Or just pirate it outright, though I saw people saying it might take a beefy PC to run properly. You’re the one who’d know what you’d be okay with, but just know your options.

Eh, I don’t really care much about the author related to this game in comparison to the fact that I just don’t find the Harry Potter universe as reason enough to buy a AAA game like this

Eh, I don’t really care much about the author related to this game in comparison to the fact that I just don’t find the Harry Potter universe as reason enough to buy a AAA game like this (not that I don’t find Rowling distasteful, but I’m generally able to seperate the Author’s views and actions from my enjoyment of

the game’s very existence is controversial

hopefully didn’t also forget to pay for it.”

I honestly hope Getty didn’t get paid for this public domain art that they’re exploiting the system in order to sell. They’re one of the Shinras of our world.

Uh, it is in the public domain.

This trend points to a reality that devs are pushing their artists to move too fast.

To this day, art historians are still baffled. Who was this “Getty” and how did they manage to create so many images?

I guess Sony have managed to keep under the radar with their bullcrap. Trying to aquire one of the biggest companies with the potential of blocking the biggest franchise for monster bucks is certainly poking the ol’ head above that radar line.

I know Sony isn’t the one on trial but everything the FTC has accused Microsoft of, Sony has also done. I think Microsoft is in a tough spot because on paper, they’re a giant compared to Sony. They’re a healthier, larger, diversified tech giant. It’s hard for regulators to separate larger Microsoft from Xbox as a