
So you paid for pussy?

What is the on going obsession with her on Kotaku lately. I'm glad she's out of that abusive relationship and all but do we really need coverage that she randomly got free money and gifts...what purpose does this serve other than to promote her stream?

You're on a videogame site MFer you go away. Always one of you fake ass virtue signaling idiots on here pretending like you actually care about these human rights issues.

Nooo and I wish there was more variety music wise but I just use my own music while playing via Spotify Playlist

Yeah even Capcom is taking a round about approach to this with official licensing for major events now

Exactly this! Not a single lie detected and you're right, this won't impact their sales in the least and anyone who wants to buy Smash or a Switch this holiday is still going to do so

I hate to sound extreme but I honestly hate Nintendo’s practices to no end and the sad part is they do this because they know they simply can and the community is stuck playing their game and Nintendo loyalist (nothing wrong with that, you like what you like) who will support to the end so anything that Nintendo can’t

Your car has a lot of hidden features fyi 

Shit man stop giving them ideas! 😂

You can jail break a Tesla without this happening so it's definitely possible, main thing is too ensure your batteries have a trickle setup to prevent them from dying during the ECU flash then you can point the on board systems elsewhere to avoid online updates that will pull features away and gain access to features

This is the exact reason I still love my STI and Evo X and hopefully will get my hands on an R33 early next year. I love the ability to one with my car and not forced into this new model of car "ownership", makes me feel like I don't actually own my damn car. If I want better acceleration, I can make a better build,

I’m sure there was a lot of financial heel digging on both sides that lead to this but it’s just super shitty for the gamers over there who will lose access to some of their favorite games.

Time to abuse the hell out of this before patched. MWAHAHAHA

Not the most a-MEI-zing I've ever seen for her but kinda dig the ice lolli vibe a bit

Chinese cartoons aren't readily released outside of China so you're talking out of your ass. Moron

Im actually playing through the Yakuza games now, currently on Yakuza 2 Kiwami and you are right it does have a very strange juxtaposition to it but I think it speaks more to things that Japan still finds acceptable or ok in society but it does look like the tone and culture of acceptable things does change with each

Only one major problem with that, the writers of those dragon and orc stories didn't put their foot in their mouth by starting out with a statement of trying to set the next FF game in a historically similar portion of Europe, that is what sparked this argument to begin with.

Exactly this! Japan was considered and by many Korean people still is considered to be the Nazis of Asia bug some of these weebwashed people around have such a glamorized and fake view of Japan, this realization could never start to pierce their thought process in even the slightest

Why is it that you think this only applies to Americans. People of different races exist outside of America and when you’re attempting to make something with a more global reach, it’s time to think more globally and it’s my country’s (Japan) issue with this that has stunted our growth for many years. Also Japan