
But COVID is far from that unfortunately but I get what your saying. Hopefully we can all respond accordingly without the side effect freakouts. Be safe out there everyone.

Does this include the new DLC softness pack and Season pass?

Does this include the new DLC softness pack and Season pass?

I fail to be believe that this Junkai Huang, future trash designer, didn’t understand the racist bullshit he was creating, he just didn’t fucking care and his response when presented with the bullshitness of his decision shows that. People shouldn’t be given at “get out of being a racist idiot” card because they are

I feel you but to provide some context that might help, Idom (Capcom Cup 2019 winner) and Santhrax (successful in a lot of games esp MVC2 back in the day) are two very high level players and when Santrax bet huge at the end with that cancel tiger upper it was a big deal because if missed he would have not only been in

Eenjoy prison asshole, and hope he knows his fellow Nazi brothers will be the first to jump his asshole and pass him around for cigarettes and top ramen.

More like Zenhotta! Amirite?!?

Dat Azz!!!!

I have two old MadCatz SFIV arcade sticks that I’m going to use for parts! Thanks for the video, this will save me some time and money for sure. I think I want to add a rubber cut out to the bottom of the stick as well to help secure it to a table better.  With the various connections on the stick I think it has so

Thank you for your hardwork, I feel like the background teams of these major routines deserve more props so honestly, thank you!

This is great news! I have some extra Sanwa parts laying around from old custom stick build projects and I’m sure this emulation will be easy to crack to add missing games like the broken bliss of KoF 2001!  I love the clean aesthetic of the stick so knowing it's easy to add new parts in makes me very happy!

This looks freaking amazing! Love the Devil May Cry/Bayonetta style of play with the Dark souls back drop, hotness!

I hope they Catch Em All!

Yes great game, I established that point, but it isn’t leaps and strides ahead of its competition like the initial poster above claimed, its gaming mechanics and style alone would never have propelled it to its current status, the nostalgia is what drove it to that level and this is coming from someone who bought has

Just because it’s not my game of the year doesn’t mean I’m under the influence of a green plant that happens to have effects if set ablaze good sir/madam 

On these points we agree! And yes, 1000 times yes, for the love of quality of life updates, I really hope they remove the brittle weapons, just make them do less damage but not break!

From that perspective I can see BOTW being better as there is far more to do in the game and you are in fact playing it longer but I would still argue that Horizon has better gaming mechanics and more immersive world in some respects but I did enjoy the BOTW bosses a bit more.

No they weren’t. Was BOTW an amazing game? Yes. Did BOTW introduce some totally new concept/game mechanic that had never been introduced in gaming before? Nope. Nintendo has nostalgia and brand and this is what helped BOTW become so popular, and this isn’t a bad thing but it played a major factor in its sales,

Sure but him being IN THE GAME as Ludens kinda casts a penumbra of suspicion and it's not like the guy has zero influence here.

It's necessarily the award itself but all the bus and subsequent posts and chatter about it, that gets people curious and then the FOMO kicks in driving people to buy it, esp if the game just happens to be on sale shortly after the award ceremony

No they weren't