
Please please please! Glacius was my guy. Loved the crazy ending combos you could get with him.

The first Motorstorm was only 40% finished, too.

@selfhatingotaku: Well duh. It was supposed to be funny. :) And it was supposed to get you to buy GRID, which it may have just done for me.

Here's a video comparing GT5:P and GRiD:

@DavionV: The 360 controller is the best controller I've ever used. Far better than the PS1/2/3 abominations.

The 360 in the picture behind BOB has parental controls built in that do the exact same thing as BOB does.

@slomo788: No, I rarely feel that these game sites are out to get anyone.

Looks like they just screwed up the footage. I don't get the issue.

@kingmanic: The Falcon is basically all that is available in retail right now. Where have you seen the older Xenon based 360s recently?

@Candlejack: "Unfortunately, that joke is still very much accurate. There was no magic RROD fix that people dream and speak about. There was none. Full stop. The 65nm chips that were supposed to launch in 360s last year this time were postponed to what, 2009? Sony is already in the process of introducing 45nm chips,

@Sloopydrew: You can already use your own photos as wallpaper on the 360.

@Murmaider: "You said that there was NO in game communication on PSN."

@Murmaider: "Wireless bluetooth headset. You know, the one that comes with the disc copy of Warhawk? You can use it to talk to people online - in game communication."

PSN isn't anywhere near 90% of where XBox Live is. No cross game invites. No communication with players in other games. Server browsers in games instead of matchmaking. I've tried setting up Motorstorm and UT3 games with my friends, and it is a nightmare.

@NoMoreTrolls: The PS2 did have an online system set up. So was the XBox. Microsoft just went the extra mile.

@bkchurch: "O and almost forgot. He called out the PS3s online service but apparently forgets it took them an entire console generation to get XBL where it is today. Give Sony time they'll get there, and I wager it will be by the end of this year."

I actually thought that Spider-Man: Friend or Foe was a pretty decent game. It was pretty easy, but in the same way that the Lego Star Wars games are easy. It is just right for kids. The combos could be very fun. And the collecting and leveling up of the characters was perfect.

@GOD: Where have you seen that it can record while playing a game or watching a Blu-Ray?

@Ungruntled: "Best thing about it though, in my opinion, will be the ability to log into my PS3 while away from home using the PSP (over a wi-fi connection) and tell it what programs to record. That's pretty cool."

I don't get why you would want a DVR that can't record your favorite TV show while you are playing a game or watching a Blu-Ray. Seems pointless to me.