
That's because it is a scaled image.

I disagree Child of Eden was nearly uncontrollable for me with a controller. Kinect was far more accurate and easier to use.

I'm guessing that if you asked the typical Windows user what "Backup" was, they would point at the Backup icon in the control panel. Shadow Copy is rolled into the Backup functionality in Windows 7. A Windows user doesn't need to know what Shadow Copy is. It is functionality that is provided without even needing to

How is this different from the excellent backup functionality already present in Windows 7?

I got a set of these. Didn't realize they were limiting the printing so much. There was a small pile behind the Trenched monitor I was using. They are pretty damn cool!

That is ME in the white shirt playing Child of Eden! Thanks for the video, Kotaku!

"The winter's lack of Kinect games continues"

They actually make more money from Live subscriptions than DLC and downloadable games. Most of the money from DLC sales goes to 3rd parties.

The 360 already uses Silverlight.

Does anyone have any idea how to get iTunes to run on both my wife's Windows 7 account and mine, simultaneously?

Reeder is great until it starts crashing on you. I can't select a feed without it crashing back to the app launcher. It worked fine for weeks, then stability started getting worse and worse. My email to the developer got no response whatsoever. :(

I bought a Netgear WNDR3700 earlier this year, and while the hardware impressed me, the firmware did not. The stability of this router was atrocious! I couldn't copy a large file (4GB, say) between two wired Gigabit computers without the router getting overwhelmed and eventually becoming non-responsive. I also

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They have some of the best video game ads out there, though.

I bought 3 enormous pumpkins for $20 this past weekend.

Wii games, too, for that matter.

Don't you need a good amount of space for some Move games, as well?