
Wait.. do you really think a different actor played Frank The Body? Same actor tho he did lose some weight. He looks a little different on Mindy Project as well.

I've never heard anyone say eldritch horrors out loud either. I'm going to try and use it tomorrow.

Agreed. While I love both the characters it would be really silly for Boyle and Rosa to hook up. Shes too hot for him.

Agreed. That was the funniest line of the season. It really shows Schmidt as a deeply perverted man. Love it.

Wouldn't that depend on what you are looking for in your entertainment that night? Some nights I'd rather watch a Rick and Morty and other I'd want a True Detective.

True. I was sitting there with the wife and snarkly said "pfft real nerds would have written a script.." she told me to shut up and pass the chips.

I only have one complaint about the EP tonight. True nerds wouldn't sit at the computer hitting the refresh button; they would have written a script to do it all automatically for them so they could be playing videos games.