
I think my mentality about these games now is that I am potentially willing to spend $80 (CND) on a good story, even if it’s only 10-15 hours long; that’s still a better dollar value per hour than most other hobbies or activities you could be doing. But I no longer feel the need to squeeze every drop of content out of

I saw the trailer and immediately thought it was advertising.

Shoot for the moon, because even if you don’t make it, you’re still rocking in fucking outer space.

I find this argument dated and repetitive. If you don’t think anything matters then you’ve clearly never played any of these games and there’s no convincing you otherwise because you care more about arguing your archaic viewpoint than you do enjoying games.

Don’t get me wrong, MGSV is probably one of the best games I’ve ever played gameplay wise (though I do have a few problems with some of the mission design). But I still remember how people were speculating how the trailer showing off the intro hospital attack was going to be all clever and metaphorical.

Not to mention naming his studio after himself. I literally can’t name another developer that has done that. Even John Romero didn’t stoop that low.

Lol. I have nothing to say to you but you’re wrong. So many games exist that allow different amount of challenges and ways to play. Pong is a game and Beyond Two souls is a game. It might not be your kind of game but it is my kind of game.

You're taking it way too seriously.

Disrespects the challenge? Because his games are full of easy decisions that have no impact on what happens? Have you actually played one of these games? It’s much the same with gameplay. Not everything needs to have shooty bits. The medium thankfully has moved a lot away from that being a requirement.

With Hideo Kojima putting credits in MGS5 with his name over 200 times throughout the game you can’t get much more pretentious.

That was one of the many out comes it showed.

I'm beginning to feel like the only person on the planet who enjoys Quantic Dream's games. :(

personally I thought the quantic dream game looked amazing. And I’m fairly sure all their previous games have been well received.

Kojima is definitely pretentious, I mean how many other developers name their studio after themselves?

Uh, I have to disagree with you there. You described the entire point of the games LOL. They are trying to be movies where you change events. They aren’t trying to be anything else. I quite enjoyed Beyond Two Souls and Heavy Rain.

Wait, what? Quantic Dream’s Detroit seemed like the most exciting game of the entire show to me.

So... like Hideo Kojima is right now?

That is really saying something, considering that Hideo Kojima is one of the most pretentious people who has ever existed in the history of the human race.

LOL @ are actually proud to call yourself that? Ok, i guess.

This game looks awesome!