
The proper way to handle this would be to have your law enforcement processes consider that a suspect goes to the same campus as their alleged victim and that needs to be dealt with as a part of the arraignment, setting of bail and any conditions if the suspect is going to make bail.

It’s really a fairly silly idea that Universities have an sort of discipline system for actions between students. Like do they judge over fights? It’s a throw back to high school and elementary principal offices. I strongly agree with whomever mentioned that these offices should help and coach survivors to report to

Criminal courts issue protection orders that protect the safety of the victim with the threat of arrest behind them. You don’t need a university to do that if the crime is reported to police and the police act on that report. I am not saying that criminal protection orders work all the time but they have more teeth

I’ve never understood the point of Title IX reporting. Sexual assault is a crime that should be reported to police. If the purpose was to send an advocate with the survivor to report to the police, to make survivors feel safer reporting, that would make sense.  If it is to ensure that the school keeps a record of

It’s not just misalignment of incentives - we’re talking about a crime where there is often no physical evidence that something more than a consensual encounter occurred.  There’s a reason police forces have specialized departments for dealing with sexual assault, and asking some college administrator to take on that

Gosh maybe educational bodies shouldn’t be tasked with meting out justice in matters where their incentives could become misaligned?

This discussion is starting to meander but I assure you I’m not talking about anyone being expected to endure racial slurs in the workplace (or anywhere else).  You’ll see from my other comments that I don’t think it’s appropriate to assign works like Adventures of Huck Finn as mandatory reading.  But I do think it’s

And then what happens when they reenter that wider world after graduation? “Boss, I encountered a situation today that made me feel emotionally unsafe!”

So, none of your proposed responses represent my belief, which is more like I believe you seriously underestimate your students. I sincerely do not believe black students will be traumatized by reading the word. 

You’re trying to protect fucking college students?!  At what age do you think people are old enough to read and evaluate works that don’t perfectly share our values, since apparently it’s older than 22.

Conservatives have long gone after US Hist departments. At least since the late 1960s/70s. But definitely by the 1980s as “White male studies” was left behind forever.

Sure. So offer a single course in gender studies or roll it into components of other degree programs (like they suggested) and scrap the degree program since they are graduating a fraction of a percent of their students from that degree program.

Feels like this website is primarily about Twitch streamer news now.

Sounds like a great profession. People throw money at you. People celebrate you for using sex work to empower yourself. And then when you’ve made enough (for now) you can tell those same people who threw money at and celebrated you that they are horrible for doing so and that it has irrevocably harmed your mental

No, you’re gonna have to deal with the reality of life. If you want to pretend you’re a teenage mutant ninja turtle, go for it, but don’t expect me to partake in the charade.

He wasn’t wrong and shouldn’t have apologized. It’s funny how people will tell the religious that they can believe in what they want, but not to try to force their religion on others, when they’re doing the same thing. You can call yourself and identify as whatever you like, but when I see a grown man with beard

Yeah, this is just how Eurodance was as a genre. If anything, swapping out the “singer” just makes it a more accurate pastiche.

Strange how The Root isn’t covering this story anymore.

Are you going to offer any kind of apology for implying that all the people who called this a hoax racist and/or sexist?

I know that few people are aware that separate, extensive investigations by the New York State Department of Social Services and the Child Sexual Abuse Clinic of the Yale/New Haven Hospital not only found that there was no evidence of abuse, but also the statements from Dylan had a “rehearsed quality” and that they