
Its only fridging if two or more fridges talk to each about something other than food.

Billy, are you FRIDGING the use of trope analysis? 

Maybe, but a lot of people I know don’t actually think that far ahead when it comes to relationships.

But the tropes don’t really identify patterns. People hear of a trope and end up square peg/round holing too much. Also the sheer volume of TV/comics/movies/books and the fact there’s a fairly well established story structure for them and mainly only a few truly universal motivations means there's always going to

Wh...why am I mad...father?

No, Hill doesn’t fit the criteria.

Wrong. Women are helpless victims with no agency whatsoever. It’s the core principal of feminism.

I am absolutely not mad about that. In fact, what I’m kind of mad about is the application of the word to any female death, because it cheapens what was formerly a good term just to get clicks and make people like you outraged.

Some people are ADDICTED to feeling angry. 

And yet, how many movie characters are motivated by their father/brother/male friends being murdered?

From what I can tell Hill wasn’t forcing her to stay in the relationship. Were his “boundaries” excessive? Yes. But that doesn’t amount to abuse. I see no evidence that he was being coercive. He said what he wanted and told her to take it or leave it. There may be more to this that would make it actually coercive or

The author cites like 5 female character deaths across 30 films and 10 shows, only a few of which are examples of fridging and several were just actors at the end of their contracts. Considering the trope actually comes from DC Comics, whose films are littered with characters who are motivated/defined by women in

Imagine being angry every time a female character dies, must be tiring.

Anyone who thinks that Nat sacrificed herself because the writers of the movie wanted to say she was less worthwhile than Clint is just looking for something to be outraged about.

Once again it must be said tropes are useless tools for art criticism they merely highlight humans are so in love with pattern matching they’ll find patterns even when the patterns don’t exist.

We won’t know until we’ve seen the second half of the series.

I think it’s important to point out that the “you’re/they’re not listening”, the refusal to “change the narrative”, and “fuck you” to feminists, is prefaced in the article with this:

This woman was not ready to live independently.

It really continued too, all these posts you’ve been making today. Huge asshole.