They’re attention seekers and just the flip side of MTG, LB, Trump, etc. They all love attention more than actually making a difference.
They’re attention seekers and just the flip side of MTG, LB, Trump, etc. They all love attention more than actually making a difference.
What’s sad is these histrionics are all the Squad has left to differentiate themselves from the soppy mass of milquetoasts in the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Jimmy Dore and Glenn Greenwald have long since dispelled any illusions about the Squad.
Why do you have to say “the straights”? Your prejudice is just as awful as the people who are review bombing. I am straight, and I thoroughly enjoyed the episode. I never once thought what a fantastic depiction of queer love. I only thought about how beautiful a depiction it was of an excellent relationship.
The Outer Banks are actually a 200 mile string of barrier islands
Oh no shit? Go modding community then. :)
Maybe it really is a pile of shit even though a woman is the lead?? (Impossible I know) and they were right to can it.
I don't know if this actually leads to studios not wasting money and releasing stuff that is trash maybe that is a good thing in the long run.
Maybe it was just a terrible movie? Hate to play devil’s advocate and I get why everyone in the entire world is siding with the directors/cast and crew on this issue, but it does seem like most signs point to it being a kind of half-effort production and the only line of dialogue I’ve heard, drawn straight from the…
Wasn’t there an amusement park that skirted the weight and size requirements for a ride that lead to the death of a teenager? I’m sure that was a wake-up call to every amusement park in the nation to adhere to stricter procedures and requirements for rider safety.
Uh-huh. And you give a shit why, other than you can’t see a movie?
Yes, but this one dude/tte didn’t like it and hence the comparison is completely valid. I mean, what would the studio know about quality after releasing a really successful film?
Yeah, I’m sorry but 40" is quite large. Just because the average American these days is overweight/obese doesn’t mean we should normalize having huge waistlines along with all the health issues that follow.
Counterpoint: Maybe it was absolute dogshit. It’s obvious by not finishing and releasing the movie the studio thought it was not going to make enough money to justify the money already down the drain, so one would infer they saw it and thought it was bad. I’m fine with it.
Controversial take: People should tell the truth.
What a brave comment. I hope next they add an option to make schizophrenic people who claw their own eyes out because they think spiders are trapped in there. Truly representing/embracing the full spectrum of humanity.
Who cares, it’s a movie...their movie. Despite what your horrendous american culture seems to are not entitled to anything.
The irony being that NO ONE has made that post on this article . In fact YOURE the only person here bringing that up. You know what that makes you?
I think I understand why Sulkowicz wrote what she wrote to him, but I truly don't understand what she thinks the university or anyone else is supposed to do about it. The only two people who know what happened are her and the guy, but if she has no evidence, whether physical or circumstantial, there's not a whole hell…