
As opposed to the Disney corporation?

No one who matters cares what you think. 

“Durrrr you’re projecting”

It’s always good to see a bunch of retarded non lawyers give their opinions about things they don’t understand. 

They can fire whatever actor they want for pretty much any reason”

Your lack of intelligence is astounding. 

So brave of you to comment when you have no actual idea about the grounds for the suit.

I’m not bald, I actually have pretty long hair. 

I just mean objectively is all.

You’re an old, lonely woman and you will die fairly soon. 

You’re a faggot. 

Lol you’re a poor, uneducated minority. What you think means nothing. 


I agree. 


Super brave comment. 

Only bald losers like you see this as a “fight to pick”. 

Consider that advice from you means very little to anyone. 

Lol dismissing comments. You’re so pathetic. 

Nah, you just have none. Lol