No one anywhere cares what you think about anything.
No one anywhere cares what you think about anything.
Use more meaningless buzzwords.
No one anywhere cares what you can or can’t believe.
You must be thinking of yourself. Or your ignorant family maybe?
WOW. Yeah I can’t imagine a video game being able to have peacocks and iguanas in it.
You mean like the dozens of accounts you also have?
It’s unbelievable how fucking delusional you are.
Like most of what’s written on this site now, this is next level retarded.
You’re literally a retarded person.
“Who has time for this every day”
That’s cool - you and the dumb things you think don’t matter to anyone.
So why even bring it up? Maybe just stop talking.
Lol you’re such a loser.
Yeah why would putting others lives at serious risk - repeatedly - have any consequences?
I wonder how long it’ll be before you stop making sandwiches for a living.
Lol you’re starring your own comments.
“I’m an impoverished adult - and I’d just like to correct your ignorant comment about a comic book character that I - an adult - care deeply about. Because I have no friends and i’ll be making sandwiches until I’m 80".
You’re an old man who talks like a 13 year old and has the attention span of an 8 year old.
You’re an old man and you’ve now spent a month sperging out on this and no one has noticed or cared. This is why you’re a failure and work in sandwich artistry lol.